Liz Cullinane Many Threads explores opportunities in scenography model box filming

Future Screens NI Future Creatives-funded project Many Threads was developed by Northern Irish artist Liz Cullinane filming in scenography model boxes. Liz looked at two threads: developing work created during lockdown on familial sexual abuse, WOE: Walking on Eggshells and Swanzy Opera in a Box. Swanzy drew on Liz's published biography of Irish artist Mary Swanzy with the Irish Museum of Modern Art. The project gave Liz the opportunity to test the idea of creating a filmed piece for a model box. It also allowed her to up-skill with a number of collaborators to develop her practice-based PhD proposal. 

Future Creatives was a funding opportunity to advance PhD and early-career researchers research and development programmes, advance their career ambitions and develop cutting-edge technical solutions in their work.