Small Town Big Dreams presents an audio documentary exploring personal stories on the impact of Covid on the NI creative industry sector.

Small Town Big Dreams have completed a 4-part audio documentary exploring personal stories of how the Covid-19 crisis has impacted on the work, communities, networks and health of creative entrepreneurs, freelancers and workers within the creative industry sector in Northern Ireland. Titled “The World Turned Upside Down” the documentary sought the personal stories of how the Covid-19 crisis has impacted on the work, communities, networks and health of creative entrepreneurs, freelancers and workers within the creative industry sector. The production team consisted of project management from Blick Shared Studios, with the podcast produced, written, recorded and edited by Graeme Watson and Karishma Kusurkar.

Blick Shared Studios is a social enterprise that has been supporting creative entrepreneurs in Northern Ireland since 2007. They offer the provision of affordable flexible workspaces, meeting rooms, gallery and events spaces alongside providing business advice and support, networking and promotional opportunities. Blick Shared Studios currently provide space for nearly 60 creative businesses in Belfast offering affordable virtual business services to over 90 creative businesses. 

For more information on Blick Shared Studios visit:



Christine James, CEO Blick Shared Studios​, Project Management. 

Graeme Watson, Creative Director, ​The Infinite Jest​ & Karishma Kusurkar, Director & Designer ​Karishma’s World​, Interviews and Narration. 

Co-investigator: Dr Brian Dixon, Course Director, MFA Design, Belfast School of Art, Ulster University

The project was funded by Future Screens NI and Northern Ireland Screen as part of the Rewriting the Narrative fund.