Rewriting the Narrative awardee Ben Bland has developed a tool kit, Neoco, for remote working specially aimed at creative industries.


Ben Bland received funding from Future Screens NI to research and develop a web platform to facilitate working remotely. Titled Neoco Toolkit & Playbook, the project built during lockdown by Ben Bland and partners with the goal of helping people find ways to improve the way they work, collaborate and build successful lives for themselves. Neoco includes over 240 tools, 50 published guides, 16 case studies and much more. The playbook aims to be of particular value to anyone currently working remotely or considering remote work – both independently and within teams and organisations – in any sector, but with a specific focus on the creative industries.

More information on Neoco Toolkit & Playbook can be found here:

Ben Bland has spearheading developments in online marketing and e-commerce, digital strategy, and wider tech start-up consulting & entrepreneurship. Ben is a partner at a newly founded innovation practice, Loopers

For more information on Ben please follow the following link:


This project was funded by a Future Screens NI Rewriting the Narrative award.