Thrive hosts Changing the Game: A roadmap for digital tailored to Northern Ireland’s arts and culture organisations’ needs.

On Monday 22nd March 2021 Thrive Audience Development hosted a roundtable discussion considering a digital roadmap tailored to Northern Ireland’s arts and culture organisations’ needs. The webinar was hosted by Margaret Henry, Chief Executive of Thrive Audience Development and included speakers Prof. Paul Moore, Director of Future Screens NI; Peter O’Neill, Director of Imagine! Belfast Festival of Ideas and Politics and Maurane Ramon, Communications Executive at Thrive Audience Development.

 The press release states:

When lockdown hit at the end of March 2020, a lot of arts and culture organisations turned to digital so they could continue deliver creativity and offer some hope and respite. Some offered live or pre-recorded events filmed from their living room, others explored complete new ways to present their work. Is there an easy step-by-step process that arts, culture and heritage organisations could follow to kickstart their digital journey? 


Supported by the Future Screen NI’s Rewriting the Narrative project and in partnership with Accidental Theatre and Imagine Belfast, thrive undertook a consultation process to better understand their use and knowledge of digital. Based on the insight they discovered, thrive developed a 5-steps framework called ‘Changing the Game’ that NI organisations can use to assess and create their own digital offer. 


In this webinar, thrive and guests shares details about their research, what they found and the Changing the Game Framework. 


For more information on the participating projects please follow the links below.