The Pop-Up Design Museum at Belfast Design Week


The Pop-Up Design Museum at Belfast Design Week

After our pilot project in 2019, we are excited to be running the next Pop-Up Design Museum this year in Belfast city centre featuring commissioned designers, universities, partners and public facing engagement and as the central project of Belfast Design Week 2020.

Our commissioned designers will include Concrete Clouds (Architecture), The First 47 (Conceptual Design), Elham Hemmat (Activism), Queens of Archive (Fashion), Two Digs (Graphic Design) & Emma Stewart (Photography).

We are opening up our website to submissions for The People’s Gallery - a page featuring design objects submitted by the general public and the objects’ significance.

Our theme for the year is “Environment” and the exhibit will show the many variations and interpretations of this theme, from sustainability to political environment and urban design.

With the changing scenario around the Covid-19 pandemic and concerns around health and safety, we are going to ensure our museum is socially distanced, using venues’ outside facing windows and outdoor spaces for example. We will be developing our digital offering to allow visitors to the museum to view the work and design stories on the pop up site you are currently on. An added benefit with this will be that visitors around the world can get a glimpse into the design heritage and contemporary design of Belfast, in turn benefiting those featured.

We are currently working behind the scenes to get the project ready and we would love for you to be a part of it through The People’s Gallery.

The People’s Gallery

Whether we know it or not, we all consume design every day in many different forms. From the clothes we wear to the services we use, design is everywhere.The People’s Gallery is a celebration of the design that has impacted you in some way - big or small - and we invite you to submit works by your favourite designers, local and international, famous or lesser known.

Your nominated designs will be shared online in The People’s Gallery in the coming weeks.

Visit to submit your favourite designs.

This project is supported by “Rewriting The Narrative”, a fund by Futurescreens NI