Future Screens NI and Experimental Design LA win Best International Collaboration

Future Screens NI and Experimental Design LA  and partners where delighted to win the award for Best International Collaboration at the Education Awards which recognise excellence in the third level education sector in Ireland.

The award recognised the important impact of the partnership between Future Screens NI and Future Technologist Alex McDowell in widening success with the creative industries within under-represented communities.  Professor Paul Moore and Alex McDowell are pioneering a ground-breaking worldbuilding framework which is transforming the creative industries for good across Northern Ireland. 

The award also recognises the contribution of all industry partners and SMEs working actively within the Cluster.  Moya Doherty Future Screens NI Industrial Champion and co-founder of Riverdance collected the award on behalf of Future Screens NI.  Alex McDowell flew in from LA to represent Experimental Design at the Awards Ceremony.

For a brief overview of Future Screens NI: https://vimeo.com/372602129